Thursday, May 04, 2006

Irish Hiking Scarf

Another past project: the Irish Hiking Scarf I made for Michael. Sadly it was not finished before the coldest part of winter was over, in part because it got bumped to make baby stuff. However, it was fun and pretty fast to make, so maybe I'll make some more this fall. If I had to change anything, I might add another cable to make it a little wider...

Monday, May 01, 2006

baby sox and clapotis-in-progress

This weekend I got to meet Henry, my new nephew. I took Amtrak from Chicago, which gave me the opportunity to make some baby sox:

Pictures of Henry.

Also, on my trip back I made substantial progress on a project for me: clapotis, in my yummy birthday yarn, Lorna's Laces Lion & Lamb.