Clapotis 1 & 2
It seems that almost every knitter I know has either made or attempted to make this pattern, so who I am to be any different?
Clapotis the First: I finished this just before the end of spring, so I actually got to wear it a couple of times. It is surpisingly warm. It's hanging decoratively on my bedroom door now, and I can't wait until summer is over so I can wear it again.
Clapotis the Second: I decided that I wanted a summer-weight version of this, because I have become so accustomed to wearing scarves that it kind of drives me crazy not to, esp. mornings when I'm leaving for work and my hair is still wet (I cannot stand having wet hair touching my neck, but if I leave it up in a rubber band it won't dry until 2 or 3 days later). While spending the rest of my birthday gift certificate at Arcadia, I found this stuff--very, very soft cotton ribbon yarn. I think I'd read somewhere that patterns with dropped stitches are good for showing off ribbon yarn, because the ribbony-ness doesn't just disappear into the stitches. So I bought some (too much) and made a second, thinner scarf out of it. I'm very happy with how it turned out and wear it pretty much all the time, except when JLP steals if from me. (She made her own.
I actually finished the 2nd clapotis while in Arkansas for a family reunion, and my cousin's daughter Cedar was nice enough to model it for me--just seconds after completion!
I've made some more baby stuff, too (being done with classes is great!) but I'll have to post that later.

I've made some more baby stuff, too (being done with classes is great!) but I'll have to post that later.
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