I mentioned, last week I think, that I had four projects on needles. I am now down to three!
1. Mom's present: FINISHED.
2. Felted bag for me: coming along. Still working on the body of the bag:

3. Socks for Anna's daughter: One sock down! One to go.
4. Felted placemats: Yeah, I haven't actually done anything on these yet. They sit in the corner gathering dust and cat hair. I'll get to them, maybe someday when I need something to knit in the dark. Or to knit while reading--that's a possibility. Classes start in a month or so.
Knitting class: It went great! I had three ladies show up, which was a manageable number. In one hour's time they were all able to master the knitting-on cast-on method, and two were able to move on to actual knitting. We'll see how it goes next week!
I've been thinking. I have this trifecta of birthdays in late October--Mom, Owen, and Dad all in a span of two weeks. I'm making Owen and Mom birthday presents, I should really make Dad one as well. He deserves it, having introduced me to Deadwood, my new DVD addiction. I'm thinking socks. (I can say that because I'm pretty sure he doesn't read this blog). I've always been a fan of toe-up socks, and I've always used the figure-8 cast-on, but I was reading about the short-row toe, and I think I'll give it a try. It sounds so easy! I can do short-row heels already! And the figure-8 cast-on, as much as I love it, does leave some loose stitches to fix. So now I somehow need to figure out how big my father's feet are without alerting him to my purpose.
1. Mom's present: FINISHED.
2. Felted bag for me: coming along. Still working on the body of the bag:

3. Socks for Anna's daughter: One sock down! One to go.
4. Felted placemats: Yeah, I haven't actually done anything on these yet. They sit in the corner gathering dust and cat hair. I'll get to them, maybe someday when I need something to knit in the dark. Or to knit while reading--that's a possibility. Classes start in a month or so.
Knitting class: It went great! I had three ladies show up, which was a manageable number. In one hour's time they were all able to master the knitting-on cast-on method, and two were able to move on to actual knitting. We'll see how it goes next week!
I've been thinking. I have this trifecta of birthdays in late October--Mom, Owen, and Dad all in a span of two weeks. I'm making Owen and Mom birthday presents, I should really make Dad one as well. He deserves it, having introduced me to Deadwood, my new DVD addiction. I'm thinking socks. (I can say that because I'm pretty sure he doesn't read this blog). I've always been a fan of toe-up socks, and I've always used the figure-8 cast-on, but I was reading about the short-row toe, and I think I'll give it a try. It sounds so easy! I can do short-row heels already! And the figure-8 cast-on, as much as I love it, does leave some loose stitches to fix. So now I somehow need to figure out how big my father's feet are without alerting him to my purpose.
It's not really a pattern, it's a sock formula based on this pattern. I figure out how many stitches to start out with and how many to increase up to based on the size of the foot and the gauge of the yarn, and then sometimes I have to try the sock on the foot and rip out and start over . . .
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