Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I am a Kamera

Sadly, my camera is still missing, and I'm beginning to worry that I might have left it on my desk at work, meaning there is a considerable possibility that it is now in someone else's possession.

Still, I will forge blindly ahead, and post old photos from flickr in the meantime.

Isn't this fun?

Okay, I got A Treasury Knitting Patterns with one of my Christmas gift certificates, and it is awesome. I brought it with me on the Amtrak to St. Louis this weekend, and practiced some of the lace patterns in worsted-weight cotton on US6's, thus killing two birds with one stone:

1. Learning to knit lace.
2. Making more dishcloths!!

Oh, and of course

3. Using up stash.

Since the last few weeks have included holidays and the beginning of a new academic quarter, I haven't made huge dents in the stash. I have, in fact, added to the stash. A box from Lorien Farms arrived this weekend while I was gone. (White lace-weight mohair/merino on a cone, and lace-weight fawn-colored alpaca [super-soft]).I haven't actually fallen off the yarn-diet this quickly--I ordered this stuff in December. Although, really, I paid for it in January, because Lorien has this crazy laid-back "bill me later" option, so I suppose you could argue that, since the yarn both arrived and was paid for in January, it was actually purchased in January. But it wasn't.

Here's another picture.

I have a phone interview today for a possible new job. More about that later, depending on how it goes....

Location: The Cubicle
Listening: Jesus, Etc - Wilco
Knitting: Scarf for Sondra
Reading: Organizational theory stuff, arg.


Blogger Karin said...

Sorry about your camera. That's too bad.

Hope the interview went well!

10:24 PM  

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